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4th December 2018

This week we are continuing Solid Edge training and trying to finish the Display board.

 Display board

 Here is Cerys updating the C.A.U.C display board.

F1 in schools

Our F1 team are trying to develop  their car to improve its performance.

linux computer

Ella is installing openfoam a CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) program on our Linux computer this lets us see the areodynamics of our car designs before they are built so we can see which will be the most aerodynamic.

Python proggraming

Meg is programing  in Python to improve her skills to use at car team.

Rspberry Pi

Katy and Luke are resuming to complete the challenge given to them on the Raspberry Pi.

solid edge

This is Immy continuing her Solid Edge training and maxamising her skills.


Cass and Ellie are modifying our school home page for fellow students to read what we do.