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15th January 2019

Two weeks into January, and CAUC have recruited two new team members...

We began the evening by introducing our newbies to Dylan; with Meg, Eleanor and Imogen showing them Dylan's steering mechanism.

Teaching Newbies 

With the saying 'the early bird catches the worm' in mind, once all introductions were over, we threw them straight into 'pit practise' - with Charlotte showing them the ropes (....or straps!!!!)

Pit practice Newbies Pit

It isn't a Tuesday night pit practice if driver drill isn't done at some point!!!

Driver Drill

We noticed that Dylan's front tyre had a puncture - so it was over to Erin (our resident puncture expert) to change the inner tube!

Erin Changing tyre Tyre pump

Bethan has been continuing to improve our battery boxes. Tonight, she has been countersinking the metal plates, ready to fix a new thermostat onto them.

Countersink Thermostat

Meanwhile, Katy with help from Mr Davey have been working hard on trying to programme our Raspberry Pi.   

raspberry pi

Before long, it was time to pack up...fingers crossed we haven't scared the newbies off and they'll be back for more 'complete and utter choas' next week!!!