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26th March 2019

Another Tuesday night... and for once we are not doing pit practice!! Instead, we are working hard on getting ourselves race ready.... after all, it's only 69 days until our first race at Anglesey!!

Katy Comms 2

This is one of our team members, katy, teaching our newbies how to use comms for upcoming races.


Our sponsorship team are working on organising a future bag pack to help C.A.U.C raise money.

battery boxes destroying 2

Some of our members are destroying our battery boxes to improve them before the start of the season.

Basil and rolebar 2

Whilst other team members are working on the back of Dylan and Basil, measuring their rolebars to check they comply with the regulations! .

Nebula racing display board 2

Nebula (Our F1 in schools team) are working on their display board so other members of our school can see what they are upto, and what they do - hopeully inspiring other students to take part in a STEM related extra curicular activity.