Copyright 2024 - © CAUC 2017

5th November 2019

Although it maybe bonfire night, tonight, we've spent the evening preparing for the festive season!

As I am sure most teams find, racing round in electric cars doesn't come cheap! Therefore, at the beginning of the 'off season', we switch our focus onto sponsorship and fundraising ideas....especially in the run up to Christmas!! 

In previous years, we have found selling Reindeer Ornaments, Christmas Tree Baubles, Gift Tags and Wooden Puzzles at local fairs and around school to be extremely profitable. With this in mind, Rachel, Erin and Cerys were tasked with completing a stock check to see what we have left over from last year and which items need to be replenished.

Christmas stock check 350

With no time like the present, Rachel and Erin got to work preparing the Plywood ready to make more of our best selling reindeer decorations ready for the schools' PTFA Christmas fair!! 

starting christmas decoration prep 350

Meanwhile Cate, Luke, Lucy, Elf, Charlotte, Phebs, Alice and Lara had a brain storming session to come up with a number of other fundraising ideas...such as selling homemade fudge and a good 'ole raffle!

Christmas brain storm

Having re-vamped our battery boxes in preparation for the 2019 season - we have since discovered a new, more efficient method of keeping our batteries at a constant temperature. Consequently, Bethan along with Jess and Immy, spent the evening stripping out the foam and thermostats ready for them to be re-wired. 

Battery boxes 360 labelling battery boxes

With Christmas stock counted and fundraising ideas established, the last half an hour was spent team building. We split into two (members of CAUC also in the F1 in schools team Nebula Racing vs Rest of CAUC) and began with one truth, two lies, before moving onto a highly competitive game of pictionary!!! 

team building Pictionary

...and by the end of the evening - the final standings were:

final standings

....congratulations to Nebula! 

To end tonight's blog post, we also wanted to take the opportunity to thank our sponsor Slicker Recycling (, who gave us a generous donation over the half term. We appreciate and thank Slicker Recycling's continued support of the team - especially as we embark on our preparations for the 2020 season! 

Sponsor photo 350