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26th January 2021

Virtual Car Team Week 35: An adults vs students team building games night.

 As usual, we kick started the call with our weekly catch-up; discussing home schooling and the most important question of the evening - finding out Richard's snack of choice!!

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...which as you can see, was the classic Chocolate Bourbon. 

With everyone logged on, it was time to get cracking with tonight's activities. At the end of last week's call, we were reminiscing on our favourite Greenpower memories. A number of these stories involved the car journeys to and from race days or antics in the tech suite, which made us realise, a huge part to CAUC is the camaraderie. So, whilst we remain unable to deafen our parents singing to Disney classics at 6am on the way to Croft or simply play cards in the tech suite at lunch, we decided to focus on some team building......aka a relaxed, light hearted Adults vs Students games night!! 

[Insert catchy theme tune] GAME 1: Two Truths, One Lie

To get to know each other better, our first game was Two Truths, One Lie. I'm sure you've all heard of this before, but for those that haven't - you think of two truthful facts and one lie. You share it with the group who need to decipher the lie. We split up into two breakout rooms; one for the 'Adults' and one for 'Students' to nominate the three people to share facts about themselves.

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For the adults, it was over to Mr G, Becksy and Richard to try and fool the other team, whilst the nominees for the Students were Jodie, Alice and Rachel. 

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If you are looking for good team building activities, I would definitely recommend this one! We had a lot of fun trying to keep straight faces and fool the other team. The 'don't google' rule went out the window for the students. Forgetting their cameras were on, we caught them red handed googling Mr G's alleged first car!!!!

So what did we learn from each other?

1. We are good liars!!! Both teams only managed to guess the lie correctly once!!

2. Don't let Jodie name your pets (otherwise your chicken will be called Feathers!!!!!)

3. Alice is BRILLIANT at this game - she was so vague on each statement that all sounded false to us!!!! 

(P.S can anyone spot a furry little friend that came to join in with the fun?!)


Scores tied, we moved onto GAME 2: Scattegories.

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Cheating slightly, we used a website to randomly generate the letter and categories before each team took it in turns to shout a word for each category. With a point for each word written down (and minus points for categories unable to come up with), the Students definitely had an advantage with more team members. 

GAME 3: Who is most likely to....Greenpower edition.

Our final game of the night was a 'Who is most likely to'. Individually, we all spent 10 minutes choosing a team member for each of the 20 categories (eg who is most likely to puncture a tyre? Who is most likely to be a manager of an F1 Team, Most likely to crash the car etc) before sharing our thoughts with the rest of the team. 

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I will spare the team any embarrassment from revealing our answers - however, I will say that there was certainly a unanimous agreement on the team members selected for each category!!

So, the final job of the evening was to reveal the scores.

*Drum Roll Please*  

The winner of our first Adults vs Students was......

The Students!!!

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The perfect end to a brilliantly fun evening.

See you next week for another round up of CAUC on Zoom!!