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26th February 2019

After two weeks off, we are back in the tech suite, getting ourselves organised for the start of the racing season which is vast approaching!!! 

Alex, one of our team captains', spent the evening planning ahead for the upcoming races by filling out a spreadsheet detailing which team members are able to attend which race. Hopefully, this will make our life a little easier closer to each race!!!! 

Alex 350 

The evening didn't quite go to plan for Katy and Luke. Initialy, they had intended to carry on with their work on the Raspberry Pi, but unfortunatly the software that needed to be downloaded wasn't compatible with our school system - and instead will need to be downloaded onto their personal computers at home. 

Katy Luke 350

Realising that they couldn't do anything more, they went and joined.... PIT PRACTISE!!!

Pits 350

I don't think we can have a Tuesday blog post without a picture of pits featuring somewhere! This week however, for the first time this year, it was warm enough to do pits outside!!

Meanwhile, a couple of older team members were showing the newbies how to connect the batteries and carry out a pre-race car MOT. 

Batteries 350 

 Whilst carrying out the mock MOT, we discovered that whenever Dylan was turned 'On' he would move forward on his own accord...even without anyone pressing the accelator!! 

So, it was over to Isla to remove the accelator throttle from the handlebar and take a look...

Removing throttle 350 Handle 350

Throttle in bits 350 red square

With the accelerator in bits, we soon realised the problem...our spring had snapped in two!!! (as shown by the red square!) .... Looks like next week we will be making a new one!!!

The final job of the evening was to give Dylan a little 'spring clean'. Helped by Jane, a few of the team began to remove last years scruitineering stickers to create room for the 2019 ones!

Stickers 350