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5th March 2019

Due to the year 9 options evening, the tech suite seems busier than usual giving the team a chance to show what we do.  

 pits stopwatch times

The first task of the night ... PITS !!!

Some of the more experienced members have been teaching the newer ones the tricks of completing a quick pit stop. After several rotations of jobs the students became out of breath and were ready for a well deserved rest. Erin was certainly impressed with the times being produced especially for the newbies.

cates car

Our very own F1 in schools Nebula designer has been sketching new car ideas leaving other team members baffled and amazed by her unique art work. With the help of her dad Dave, a lot of progress has been made this evening. With her help and support Cate has been teaching even the more experienced members new drawing techniques helping them get the best possible outcome before tackling Solid Edge.

CAD rachel

Solid Edge has been a little tricky for some members to learn but Rachel has seemed to have mastered the art of CAD and is quickly becoming an inspiration for other team members including some of the new members who have just settled in.


Fundraising has become a very important task giving the team the chance to go out into the community and promote CAUC. This also allows us to raise money for the build of the upcoming addition to the CAUC family.


This secret project has proved to be far too much for our head of race control. The trick is not to ask too many questions!


Meanwhile Mr G hasn't stopped talking all evening. Many of the team have commented on how impressive his multi-tasking skills are! This has surely left him needing a well deserved drink? : )