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12th March 2019

While Mr Gornall and the F1 in schools Nebula team are away racing, the whole of the CAUC are waiting in hope of a good result.


At the start of the night, the chip shop chips are out for all to see, causing chaos for Meg and Lexi. Its a shame Mr G isnt here to nibble on them.

erin pits immy

Of course, the first activity is pits!! Erin is loving her role of responsibility which has allowed her to really show her organisation skills. Keep it up Erin!!

Immy is loving pits soooo much she just couldn't resist giving us a cheeky smile and a warm hello.

alex CAD

One of our team captains is still learning the Solid Edge Software. I believe the earphones are to block out any distractions???


The secret project D is well underway causing Luke and Katy to really get stuck into the challenge they have been given. Here is a sneak peak of their progress...


Leading on from a previous upload, part of the team are attempting to fix the broken accelerator spring from Dylan. From what i can see they seem to really know what they are doing.

nebula car

Here we can see Nebula's car on the right. For the past two days they been at the Airbus A380 Factory in Broughton competing against some amazing team from across the country.

race 1

From the live stream we can see Cerys after the teams first race.

Race 1 is over with a very good time of 1.422s

race 2

Race 2 - Their time has improved massively with 1.277s

race 3

Race 3 - A very good time again.


After two days of early mornings Nebula has achieved some very good times. Just after their third race their overall time of 1.277s put them into 10th place!!!

Also after their race they gained 8th place with the fastest car time of 1.088s

The whole CAUC team congratulates you on your amazing results!!!!!