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7th May 2019

It is all systems go in the tech suite tonight as we've realised that this time in 4 weeks, we will be travelling home from Anglesey - our first race of the season!!!

With the start of the season vast approaching, Ella and Cate have begun to complete the necessary paperwork for the next three races - starting with trip letters for Anglesey.

Ella Cate 350

We have also been continuing with our efforts to try and gain sponsorship. Rachel, with the help of Jess, have been researching local companies before composing a covering letter and team information pack. Whilst Meg and Lili-Ann have been drafting a letter to be sent out to Mercedes.

Sponsorship 350 Meg Mercedes Sponsorship 350


Bethan has taken Lara under her wing, as she continues to work on the battery boxes. Tonight, they have been re-wiring our new thermostats.

 Bethan Lara Battery boxes 350

 broken fretsaw 350

 ...It was all going so well until they decided to snap the fretsaw!!! Uh Oh!!!!!!


Rachel has spent the evening on Autodesk Inventor, designing a new two way ratchet!

Rachel Autodesk 350

Meanwhile, Cerys has been working with Richard on OpenFoam to analyse potential new car designs. By simulating each car, we are able to test the forces on it. This can then be used in comparison with Dylan's data to see whether our designs have been successful...and indeed that they are an improvement from Dylan / Basil!!

 OpenFoam 350

As practise makes perfect - the rest of the team have been perfecting their pits technique - hoping to get them as slick as possible ready for Anglesey.

Basil pit practise 350

During the practise - Eagle eyed Erin spotted a flat tyre!! You may remember from previous blog posts - but Erin loves nothing more than changing a tyre! She has quickly become our resident puncture repair expert!!! Which considering the number of punctures we had at Anglesey last year, having Erin on the team may come in pretty handy!!!

Erin Flat tyre 350 


All in all, we've had quite a busy night!

.... It is now only 27 days, 16 hours and 12 minutes until the first race .... not that we are counting or anything!!!!! :D