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14th May 2019

Team strategy, pit practise and 'Pre Season' fitness training were all on the agenda for tonight's team meeting!!!

Tonight, our evening started a little earlier than usual with a spontanious, highly competitive, game of rounders...and hence marks the start of our 'pre-season fitness training'....after all, every Greenpower team knows how tiring it can be having to power walk up a pit lane!!!!!!! ;P

Rounders picture 350

To see the team in action check out the video on our instagram page @CAUC_SHS here:

After the game of rounders, we headed back into the tech suite to get started on our to - do list!!! 

During the evening, our team captains, and a couple of older team members sat down with Mr G, to talk about our plan for both this and the upcoming seasons, before starting to allocate the jobs list for Anglesey! 

After taking a little break from the infamous 'Project D', Katy got back to work on the raspberry pi. We're hoping to try and get it working in time for Anglesey.

For the rest of the team, it was a case of continuing with their jobs from last week. Therefore, Rachel G, continued her design work on CAD. Bethan carried on with the battery boxes and Rachel S proceeded to contact local companies in the hope of receiving a sponsorship deal. 

As usual, we also had a small group of team members outside working hard on every aspect of their pit technique. 

Our last job of the evening, like last week, was to repair and change a tyre... although this time, it's the tyre from our trailer that's causing an issue!!!!

trailer tyre 

Finally, this week marks the begining of the exam series so we wanted to finish this post by wishing everyone with exams, especially our team members in Y11 & Sixth form, the very best of luck!