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11th June 2019

After Anglesey and Norfolk last week, it was only right that tonight we had our first 'Graph Tuesday' of the 2019 season!!!

Last week saw us kick start our racing calender with a trip to Anglesey on Tuesday 4th, and Norfolk on Saturday 8th (race reports will be coming very soon - so watch this space!). Therefore tonight, we spent the majority of the evening having our race day debrief. During the debrief, we dissect each race; noting down the statistics from the race (eg weather conditions, batteries used and positions) before discussing what went well, what didn't go so well, and what needs to be done or improved on before the next event. In the height of the racing season, when we have events every couple of weeks, having these debriefs really help to keep us focused and prioritise which jobs or training sessions are needing to be done first. 

Highlights and lowlights 350

 After discussing the day, it is usually over to Richard to go through the graphs with us (hence where the name 'graph Tuesday' came from!). Usually we start with a graph plotting the cars performance, using data taken from the cars data logger recorded by our telemetry team. Afterwards, we then use the Greenpower live timings to analyse our performance against our competitors. However, at Anglesey we forgot to put the SD card into the dashboard (...this is a perfect example of something we included in this weeks lowlight...and 'remember to put in the SD card' found itself on the 'what needs to be improved list!!!!! ;P ) Therefore tonight, we were only able to focus on our performance against the other teams. 

 graph 350

 Following the team discussion, we were left with half an hour to get ourselves organised for the next few weeks.

Unfortunately, during the 2nd race at Anglesey, Dylan had to be retired as he lost his back wheel due to a failed weld on the hub. As Richard was unable to make Anglesey, he hadn't seen the damage, therefore the first task of the night was to show Richard the wheel hub and make a plan on how to a) fix the problem and b) make sure it doesn't happen again.

deciding how to fix the wheel 350

Along similar lines of repairing cars, Basil's nose cone had a little run in with the pit lane wall and consequently needs to be replaced before Goodwood. Therefore Cerys, Phebs and Katy carried out a stock check to see what materials were left over from the initial build and whether anything else needs to be ordered.

damaged nose cone 350 stock take 350 

From replacing nose cones, to re-welding wheel hubs - we've got quite a busy couple of weeks to come in preparation for Goodwood on the 30th June..... so we better get cracking!!