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2nd July 2019

48 hours after Goodwood, we headed back into the tech suite to prepare for Croft...

As is customary following every race, the evening began with our race day debrief; consisting of highlights, low lights, what needs to be improved and 'Graph Tuesday'. Unfortunately however, as someone *cough* Richard *cough* had forgotten our telem equipment, this part of the evening went quicker than normal...which considering Croft is only a week today probably wasn't a bad thing as we had lots to do in preparation!! 

 Goodwood race review 350 graphs 350

One area we identified as a low light and needing to be improved upon was our comms system working intermittently and not knowing how to re-connect the headsets should anything go wrong. In view of this, as everyone was all sat round together, Mr G gave us a quick crash course and refresher on how to use our phones!!

Comms masterclass 350 Lesson on Comms 1 350 Lesson on Comms 2 350

With debrief now over, it was time to turn our attention to Croft.

Cate and Charlotte were tasked with carrying out our pre-race MOT, whilst also checking over the cars for any damage that we weren't already aware of.

MOT 350

For Erin, Immy, Cerys and Alice, their job for the night was to repair the punctures and switch the 'white wheel of shame' (aka our spare wheel) with the original black ones! Erin submerged the inner tubes from the punctured wheel in water to locate the puncture site and decide whether it could be repaired with our puncture kit. Unfortunately, this time the hole was too large and needed to be ditched. Consequently, Immy and Cerys fitted a new inner tube ready for Erin and Alice to re-fit the newly repaired, black wheel back onto the cars. 

Checking for puncture hole 350 changing inner tubes 350 white wheel of shame 350

Having just repaired and replaced a couple of wheels, Cate and Lucy took the opportunity to go round and check the tyre pressures for both cars. 

Checking tyre pressures

Returning back to the theme of our comms units not working; we wondered whether one explanation for them cutting out at Goodwood was due to the headsets being knocked and buttons accidentally being pressed as the drivers got in and out of the car. Therefore, our drivers and pit crew worked with Mr G to re-site the headset on our helmet in the hope that this eliminates any chance of us accidentally disconnecting them during a pit.

re site headsets 350 Alice re siting comms unit 350

Another job of the evening was sorting out the race batteries for Croft and placing them in the corresponding battery boxes ready to be charged. Meanwhile Rachel was on the computers writing an email to arrange a bag pack at a local supermarket in the near future. 

Battery sort out 350 Back pack 350

 Before we knew it, it was time to pack up and head home...ready for Croft in T - 7 days!!!!!