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16th July 2019

Kahoot!, Graph Tuesday and enough food to feed the 500 is the perfect summary of this evening!

With only one week left until the summer holidays, tonight marked our last car team of this academic year. Unfortunately, this also meant that it was the last car team for Lexie, one of our year 11's who moves to a different college in September. With Lexie very sadly leaving, it called for one thing, and one thing only....a team party!!! :D 

Party 350 

Once the food and cars had been brought into the tech suite, the only thing left to do was wait for Mr G (& the year 7s) who had been to Alton Towers and were stuck on a coach held up in traffic!! Whilst waiting, we decided to be extremely 'productive' and have a game of Kahoot! Who'd have thought a Food & Disney Quiz could become so competitive...or indeed how happy (or surprised?!) Lil would be after getting a question right on the name of an Ecuadorian food?!  

Kahoot 350

Once Mr G had arrived, it was time to (finally!) tuck in and begin our race day debrief from Croft last week. As per usual, this began with a discussion on what went well and what maybe didn't go so well...

tucking in 350 highlights 350

Following the debrief, it was over to Richard to show us the data from Croft. Richard talked us through what each graph showed, but more importantly, what can be taken from them to help improve our performance in a race. 

graphs 350

With the delay to the start of the evening, by the time we'd finished #GraphTuesday, we actually only had 10 minutes left. However, having brought home one very poorly Dylan with a fried motor, these ten minutes provided the perfect opportunity to make a plan of action for over the summer, as we decided on what needs to be done to get both cars back working again ready for our next race in September!.   

 ...and there you have it - our last blog post of the 18/19 academic year. It's been quite a busy start to the racing season...but really, who would have it any other way?!!! We hope everyone has a great summer break, and would like to wish Lexie the very best of luck at College - you are going to be missed by us all!