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8th October 2019

It was all systems go in the tech suite tonight as we prepare for the International Finals in just over a weeks time!! 

For one of our team captains, Alex, her job for the evening was to fill out all the necessary paperwork and check that the 'trip packs' had been uploaded onto the school system, before making sure all of the team's emergency contact details were up to date! 

Alex organising Silverstone

The next job on our 'To-Do List' was to complete the pre-race MOT for both cars.  We find carrying out an MOT before each race to be extremely beneficial as it helps to prevent us from having any shocks when we get to scruitineering...and hopefully ( theory!) help us get into the scruitineering queue quicker as we aren't having to run around last minute making sure everything is in working order! 

MOTing both cars Basil MOT

When carrying our Basil's MOT, Cate and Sophie noticed that the yellow tape had become worn around his cockpit. Therefore, once they'd completed the MOT, their next job was to replace the tatty tape....after all, we want him looking his best for his debut at Silverstone! 

replacing yellow tape

During one of the pitstops at Aintree, we accidentally snapped one of our comms units off of the helmet. So, tonight, Immy (who was feeling a little camera shy!) was given the job of replacing the broken unit. 

repairing helmets

Ellie, Lucy and Charlotte spent their evening in the trailer, doing a stock check to see what equipment we have and whether we need to place a very last minute equipment order!! Meanwhile, Cerys and Rachel worked with Richard on OpenFoam, playing around with the software as they learn how to use it. Hopefully, it won't be long until they both become OpenFoam experts! 

working on open foam

In honour of Greenpower's 20th Anniversary celebrations, we are planning to bring along Dougal and (I know we are biased!) but the legend that is Brian!:D to Silverstone. However, having spent a long time in the back of our container, they were definitely in need of a little TLC.....especially Dougal, as we've been using his old wheels as our race day spares!!! 

Erin, Alice and Lara worked on Dougal - repairing his headrest and giving him the once over to see what else needs to be repaired, whilst Meg and Eleanor were outside doing exactly the same, but on Brian. 

....On a slightly different note - tonight was actually also Erin's birthday - so big Happy Birthday to you Erin! 

fixing Dylan Repairing Dylans headrest Checking Brian over

Before we knew it, it was time to pack away after a very productive evening!! 

There really isn't that long to go now until the final! Ahh we can't wait! :D