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1st October 2019

Graph Tuesday and Birthday Celebrations were this evenings order of proceedings!!

After racing at Aintree last Wednesday, tonight saw the team gather round the whiteboard to discuss and dissect our last heat of the season! We highlighted areas that went well and aspects of the day that maybe didn't go so well before talking through what, as a team, we could improve on. 

Next, it was time for our infamous 'Graph Tuesday'!. Richard talked us through the race data for both Dylan and Basil; helping us to analyse and understand each cars performance on the day. 

Graph Tuesday 1 Graph Tuesday 2

 With our next race being the International Finals at Silverstone, we used this week's race day debrief to re-focus ourselves and make a plan of action on what needs to be done in preparation for the finals....after all, we've now only got 17 days and two Tuesday evenings to get Dylan, Basil and ourselves ready!!!

Tonight also marked Sophie's 15th birthday! So once team discussions were over, we spent the last half an hour eating cake and having a mini party to celebrate Sophie's birthday!!!.....The perfect end to the evening if you ask us!! :) 


We've got a busy few weeks to come so make sure you check back next week to see what mischief we've been getting up to!