Copyright 2024 - © CAUC 2017

19th November 2019

Tonight, it was celebrations all round in the tech suite!! 

CAUC really don't need any excuse to have a party...however, with team captain Ella's 18th at the end of this week, we had the perfect excuse to throw a birthday bash!!!

Ellas 18th 350

Whilst the team demolished the birthday cake, we sat down together to watch our very special end of season video.

Season Video

With the celebrations over, it was time to knuckle down, and separate into teams to work on our own thing. 

Bethan, Vic and Lara are working on moving the thermostat in the battery boxes to a more efficient place ready for our next racing season. 

Battery box 350

Rachel and Richard tested our potential new car designs in OpenFoam to give us an idea on how the aerodynamics change with the different models/designs. This process has taken them quite awhile...especially for Rachel, who over the last week has been an absolute star and worked really hard to load each design into the software and run some initial testing! 

Rach on Open Foam 350

Most of the team are working on the upcoming Christmas fair this Saturday, 23rd November.....Don't forget to 'Save the Date!' if you live locally, and fancy getting in the festive mood!  

laser cutter 350 Assembling christmas decs 350

After going away and working on the Raspberry Pi, Katy, Eleanor and Meg have come back together to hopefully sort out a solution to place the Pi inside of the car with out affecting the aerodynamics.

Raspbery pi 350


Finally, once again, big Happy 18th Birthday to Ella - we hope you enjoy your celebrations!

(...and Happy Birthday to Becksy & Luke, who also have / had their birthdays this week! :D)