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24th November 2020

Virtual Car Team Week 31: Driving line tutorial and Greenpower themed bingo...what more could we want from our virtual CAUC team nights?!!!!

As you can see from our intro, the theme for this week was Driving Lines! Having not raced for over a year, we thought it would probably be a good idea to brush up on our racing line knowledge!

To start, we watched a tutorial from Driver 61, discussing how to tackle a corner and the different racing lines you can take. Whilst he was ultimately making reference to speeds far greater than a Greenpower car, the theory was definitely useful and something we can easily adapt to F24. 

Driving line tutorial 350

Following the video, we looked to see how we could apply this theory in the context of a Greenpower race; taking into account the power of our cars and discussing whether the Geometric or Racing Line would be better. 

To take the conversations further, we homed in on some of the more trickier corners we tackle.....and where best to start than the bottom corner at Anglesey. 

First up, we had one of our 'newer' drivers draw and present the line they felt best to take, before one of our 'older' (...or should I say more experienced!) drivers shared their line. This subsequently resulted in further discussions on both lines and why one would potentially be more preferable than the other. 

Driving line Anglesey 350

Appreciating that in a racing situation, you may also have traffic to contend with, we also talked about how you would navigate around cars whilst still aiming to achieve the optimum line. Again, by following the same format as previously, it prompted in depth discussions on why you would take a particular line, the importance of reading the track and having an awareness of the different scenarios where another line maybe more appropriate. 

Driving line chicane 350

Having well and truly exhausted racing lines, it was time for GREENPOWER / CAUC INSPIRED BINGO!!!! 

With a list full of CAUC and Greenpower terminology shared on screen, each team member picked twelve of their favourite words and noted them down in the grid.  

Bingo words 350

Grid complete, we used a random name generator to 'call out' the words. 

wheel for bingo 350

We couldn't help but laugh when Immy, having just got rather excited that she could finally cross off Flat Tyre, told us that she had only chosen that one due to the fact she's got two 'wheels of shame' (aka flat tyres!) sat in her bedroom!!! 

flat tyre bingo 350

With Mr G and Cate only having one word left to find, it got pretty tense! However, in the eleventh hour, it was Mr G who cried house first and took the win! We continued to spin the wheel until everyone had managed to cross off their entire grid. Ironically, Cate had to wait until the penultimate spin before she could claim the full house!!!


So there you have it. Another week in lockdown over & another entertaining evening on Zoom for CAUC. 

Stay safe and we shall see you soon!