Copyright 2025 - © CAUC 2017

30th June 2020

Virtual Car Team Week 13: An unlucky number for some, for us, it marked another extremely productive evening on Zoom designing livery and quizzing our knowledge of CAUC!

 This week, our call began with a mammoth team catch up; starting with sending Lucy a huge congratulations having just been crowned winner of the 'Safety and Security' Category at the Teen Tech Awards for her safety stool. A well deserved win if you were to ask us!!

Next up, we continued our discussions on when potentially we could start building the new car. With a couple shielders amongst the team, we were attempting to come up with some practical solutions - the first being to sit the pair of them in the field next to Richard & Jane's house, using our race day comms to communicate with one another or, the second idea (...and definitely our favourite!) would be to stick them in a Zorb Ball so they could be closer & see what's going on. Practical and fun - it's a no brainier, Zorb Ball it is!!!!!!!

week 9 catch ups 350

Realising that, once again, we had spent the first 40 minutes doing nothing more than chatting, laughing and simply catching up with each other - we thought we probably ought to get some design work done!!!....After all, that is what we're here for!! 

Before Cate took to the floor, Mr G proudly showed off his progress on the Lego model he's been working on!! 

Mr G model update 350

Over to Cate, our team livery designer!!! Having taken into account our feedback and suggestions from last week, Cate presented us with the latest version of CAUC car no.8! It's getting very exciting now as the livery is so very nearly there! 

livery discussions 350

Looking at Cate's designs triggered conversations regarding construction of the Roll, we popped back onto Solid Edge to have a look at car no.8's back end!!!! 

solid edge roll bar 350

Whilst reviewing the mechanics of the car, we noticed that the distance between the motor and the back axle is rather short; something we'll need to look into and assess whether it will cause a problem or not. However as Jane quite rightly pointed out "We aren't going to have time for the quiz, and that's the highlight of my week'', so we decided to leave the design work there and begin Week 9 of CAUC Lockdown Quiz Night. 

week 9 quiz night 350

Our host for this week was Luke - who gave us 5 brilliant rounds on Car Logo's, Guess the Movie from the Poster, Guess the Law, CAUC Team Facts and When did it happen - CAUC style! 

week 9 question 1 350 name the snowman 350

...We couldn't help but fall about laughing at the option of Mr G joining CAUC in 1943 (!!!)......Not so sure he was too impressed either!! 

Quiz over - it was time to count the scores!! Amazingly - we were all extremely close to one another!!

However, in Joint 1st, the winners were Cerys, Richard & Jane!. For the first time, we also had 5 joint losers (I told you the scores were close!!) Proudly sharing the 'greatest loser' accolade was Bethan, Immy, Jodie, Alice and Becksy (.....Much to Katy's disappointment - "Becksy, you lost?! How - when two questions were about you?!") Nothing like rubbing it in eh?! 

Becksy lost question 350

With scores added to our weekly leader board - Cerys jumps up and joins Cate in first place! Only one point behind is Richard & Jane. It's pretty close, that's for sure!

Week 9 Leaderboard 350

So there you have it...another week over. Wonder what we'll get up to next week....see you then!!