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3rd September 2019

First day back of the new academic year and where did we find ourselves?! Back in the tech suite getting ready for Bedford on Sunday!!!

Before we jump straight into tonight's tech suite antics - here's a quick catch up on our summer job list:   

As you may recall from our previous blog post, we managed to fry Dylan's motor at Croft whilst waiting on the grid for race 2. However this turned out to be the least of our problems. When we arrived back at school and opened our trailer to unload, we realised that the trailer had malfunctioned resulting in Dylan crashing down onto Basil - with Basil's roll bar puncturing through Dylan's bottom (as shown by the first picture). Therefore our summer was spent primarily fixing Dylan by replacing the motor and repairing his bodywork.

 3 1 2

4 6 5 

Rachel (otherwise known to the team as Smurf) has also had a very busy summer putting her textiles skills into good use! As you can see from the first picture, our spanner roll was quite literally falling to pieces and we were in desperate need of a new one. Realising that our old roll was fit for the bin, Smurf took it upon herself to design and make us a brand new one! Thanks to Rachel's efforts, we are no longer going to be leaving a trail of spanners wherever we go!! Cheers Smurf!:) 

3. Old spanner case 2. Rachel and CharCar 4. New spanner case

Now back to tonight...

After a quick team catch up and race day house-keeping, it was time to bring the cars in and get cracking on this evening's rather lengthy 'to-do' list. 

Top of the list was to carry out a pre-race service and MOT on the cars. Under Cate and Pheb's watchful eye, Cerys, Eleanor and Meg worked their way through our scruitineering checklist! 

6. MOT 7. MOT putting in batteries to check car works 8. Checking tyre pressures

In carrying out our pre-race checks, we realised that we hadn't returned the foam that lines the cockpit - therefore that needed to be stuck back in place before he was able to pass his MOT!! (We had removed the foam to make it easier for ourselves when repairing his puncture wound!!) 

5. Re fitting foam

The next job of the evening was assigned to Meg and Eleanor who worked with Richard to adjust the position of our gear change sensor so it wouldn't continue to hit our motor bracket support. 

11. Meg Eleanor Richard 12. adjusting position of sensor

With Basil passing his MOT with flying colours, our next job for him was to check his wheel alignment.

10. Tracking Basils wheel

Erin's task for the evening was to strip the Croft Race Timeline from the boards before heading out to help Bethan choose our Bedford batteries and sort them into the appropriate battery box. 

1. Striping timeline 13. Choosing race batteries

Finally, the rest of the team were out loading the trailer with all our race day essentials! 

9. Loading trailer

Bedford - Here we come! 

....Fingers crossed, for the first time this season, we manage to complete a race without breaking either car!!!!