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10th September 2019

With tonight being the first Tuesday following Bedford - any guesses for what was on this evenings agenda?!!

.....That's right, it was 'Graph Tuesdaaaaay!' 

Tonight, Mr G was out on a training course at Bolton University so it was over to Becksy, Alex and Ella to lead the race day debrief and chair the discussions on our highlights and low-lights of the day, before making an action plan on what needed to be improved upon. 

Once the team discussion had finished, it was over to Richard to talk us through the Graphs from the race - helping us to understand and analyse the cars performance, which in turn allows the team to make informed decisions when it comes to deciding on power settings for the next race. 


As per usual, by the time we had finished 'Graph Tuesday', we didn't have that long to get stuck into any lengthy tasks, therefore we decided to spent a bit of time organising our container. 

Tidying container

Whilst tidying the container, Alice and Lara were attempting to find a spring we had made awhile ago when repairing Dylan's accelerator throttle. This was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and unfortunately, we are yet to find this Spring!!

Katy and Jess were tasked with doing an audit of all our old batteries ready to organise their safe disposal. 

Measuring Batteries 

Alex spent the remainder of the evening writing letters for both Aintree and Silverstone, ready to be handed out to the team by the end of the evening. 


Before we knew it, it was time to head home. Big thank you to Mr Massey for staying behind and keeping an eye on us whilst Mr G was absent!