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17th September 2019

After having an oddly quiet, race free week, it was back to the tech suite for another after school session, but not before having to fix Dylan.... again.

 As you may have already seen on twitter (follow us here @CAUC_SHS if you don't already!!!!) we had to retire Dylan at Bedford, in Race 1 after managing to shear Dylan's back axle. Therefore, over the weekend we had a repair session at Richard's to fix Dylan (he's the one who seems to be constantly getting broken). After a busy Saturday afternoon, we got the job done, fixed the broken axle and *fingers crossed* have a working car again, but not after learning a valuble lesson, Mr G's dogs are the world's best helpers!

Stan is basil

The first job of the night was checking over all of the helmets to see if they had comms connectors attached. Why? Because when you get to a race and realise you've got the wrong helmets, a certain someone gets a little bit cross... 

Helmet check

Next we had to test a new spring for in the back of Dylan, to see if the old one was adding to the risk of the car breaking, like it did. Looks like we'll be sticking with the old one as the new one was too wide and too stiff.


With this much attention going Dylan's way, we decided Basil was in need of some TLC; so we took out his accelerator so it could have a re-vamp.

 Basil acceleratorBasil accelerator 2

With finals rapidly approaching, we ordered some new kit so that we can all look our best when we pour "Prosseco" on Gornall's head again.

 Ordering new kit

The last thing on our to-do list was measuring and weighing the batteries to give us more room in the container for all the neccesities, like our pink fluffy beanbag!  

Making inventory of the old batteries 2Making inventory of the old batteries