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28th July 2020

Virtual Car Team Week 17: A night of technical difficulties, virtual car building and a CAUC related quiz night!

This week, our call absolutely lived up to our team name; Complete and Utter Chaos!! With laptops suddenly switching off, WiFi issues and audio clips not working on the quiz, we well and truly had our fair share of technical difficulties. However, this didn't spoil the fun and we somehow managed to get a productive session in - starting with another instalment of 'Virtual Car Building'. 

Once again, we were taken on a trip into Richard and Jane's garage to see the progress being made on the foam pieces which will eventually form the buck for the new car. 

sledge 350 foam wheel guard 350

As we can't be there in person quite yet, Richard proceeded to take the time to explain the whole process to us (including showing the tools needed!) to ensure that we fully understand what is involved. 

tool used 350

We also spoke about the raised squares on each piece. If we were to cut each piece out to the shape required it would take absolutely ages. Therefore the 'bobbles' are there simply to speed up the cutting process. Consequently, the next stage will be to sand them all down, paint each one with emulsion before sanding down again to get them smooth and the shape we require. We asked how easy it was to sand the foam so Richard showed us....

sanding down 350 sanded 350

The answer....easy peasy lemon squeezy!!!!!

These virtual sessions really are proving to be extremely beneficial in keeping the team involved whilst simultaneously mitigating the impact of not being able to be there, gaining the hands on experience working alongside Richard, as we normally would.   

Before moving onto the quiz - Cate took over the call to show us her latest work on the livery designs. Having managed to download the final rendered images of the new car from Solid Edge, Cate has been busy transferring her original designs onto these new images - presenting to us what she's done so far. 

livery update 350

Any guesses on what colour scheme we have decided to go for?!?!

Car Building complete for the week, it was time for Week 12 of CAUC Lockdown Quiz Night hosted by Lucy. 

week 12 quiz 350

Lucy decided to focus her quiz on all things CAUC with 3 rounds on 'Which team member said it?', Tech Suite ASMR and my personal favourite 'Moments you wish hadn't been caught on camera'. 

moments caught on camera 350 pictures you wish werent caught on camera 350

...The unfortunate 'subjects' in this round where Erin having a drink spilled over her, Elf using a travel pillow as a VR machine, Vic dancing with a chair and Becksy getting stuck in the model cockpit. Much to their embarrassment, Lucy also included the corresponding video clip evidence as proof of each event!!!! 

Quiz over it was time to count the scores....

In 1st Place was Cerys, very closed followed by Cate, Lara and Becksy. 

However, Cery's win has meant she's secured her spot in 1st place on our leader board.

week 12 leaderboard 350

 So despite our technology not playing ball, we still had one productive and rather entertaining Tuesday Evening. 

Catch you next week where hopefully we'll have less technical issues but just as much fun!!!!!!