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4th August 2020

Virtual Car Team Week 18: Answering all the important questions, making progress on the buck for the new car and round 13 of CAUC Lockdown Quiz Night.

This week, whilst waiting for people to finish their dinner (or tea!) and log on, we had our customary weekly catchup. We also entertained ourselves by tracking Richard's cycle route and speed as he travelled home from work. (Can you tell we've missed having race day telemetry to analyse??!!)

Satisfied with Richard's speed and progress, we moved on to answering all the big important questions - such as what do you call your final evening meal? Tea or Dinner? Needless to say this caused quite a debate amongst us all. To try and settle this friendly argument, we decided to see what the Queen called it. Whilst googling the answer, we fell down an internet rabbit hole reading an article outlining what the Queen eats throughout the day!! So whilst we may not have discovered the answer to the tea or dinner debate - at least we can now rest assured knowing how the queen enjoys a pre-breakfast of earl grey tea and biscuits and a simple lunch of fish and vegetables. 

tracking richard 350

With Richard safely back home, it was time to actually take part in something a little more productive so off to Richard's garage we went.....

When we got there, we were very excited to see a pile of foam blocks that were stacked in a way that resembled something a little more like the car we've spent weeks designing. Well, it did for everyone bar Immy who was convinced it ''looked like a boat''. A boat, a kitchen counter (...which was Mr G's interpretation) or a Greenpower car - it is exciting non the less. 

progress on buck 350

Rewinding back slightly to Sunday 2nd August, Becksy was able to have a socially distanced "Field Trip" to Richard & Jane's to see the router cutting one of the pieces of foam. Whilst there, she was able to get a few video clips of the router in action. So fast forward back to tonight, Becksy took the opportunity to share her screen for us to watch these clips; providing the team with the chance to see a small snippet of the whole process staring with the original square block to the complete pieces lying on the garage floor. 

router video 350

Having now seen video clips of the process, and a very nearly finished foam buck, we headed back inside to compare the buck with the scaled model from a few weeks ago. 

.....We may or may not have also got a little distracted trying to get it to look like Jane and Richard were driving the scaled model!!! 

Mission accomplished I think!!!!!! :D

foam car 350

Virtual car building over for the week, it was time to get ready for the next round of CAUC Quiz Night!

week 13 quiz 350

Hosted by Immy, we had the perfect balance of CAUC and F1 related questions - with rounds on CAUC car trivia and guess which country the F1 team originates from. 

blue bug quiz questions 350

The final round was General Knowledge - but with an ingenious twist! The first letter of each answer spelt a word - which if guessed correctly gave you a bonus 5 points. 

tesla question 350

Scores on the doors and bonus word revealed ( was Greenpower for those interested!) this weeks winner was.....

....Luke :D

His win saw him sneak into 3rd place on our leader board, whilst Cerys currently maintains her position in 1st place. 

Week 13 leaderboard 350

To finish the evening, we reverted back to our earlier topic of conversation on different names of things. This time however, Richard treated us to a culinary lesson on the difference between a spatula and fish slice!!!

fish slice 350

Who'd have thought a car team call would have resulted in debates on the name of kitchen utensils, meal times or what belongs on chips (curry sauce, gravy or if you are anything like Luke it would be Chips, Cheese and Gravy! (Which sounds gross if you were to ask me!!)) but either way it's been another hilarious Tuesday evening. 

Catch you next week for more fun and games CAUC style